La Bella Dormente Nel Bosco

Puppet Wrangler, Puppeteer

Better known for his epic orchestral tone poems such as 'Fountains of Rome' and 'Pines of Rome', twentieth century Italian composer Ottorino Respighi’s music is full of surprises, and his operatic account of Charles Perrault's timeless fairy tale 'Sleeping Beauty' is no exception.

Sherman Theatre - RWCMD (2024)

Conductor: Carlo Rizzi

Director: Caroline Clegg

Set and Puppetry Designer: Jana Lakatos

Costume Designer: Amy Adair

Puppeteers: Nico Venables, Molly Morgan, Zinuo Liu, Yueji Li


Puppet Designer, Maker, Puppeteer - Team Leader

How do you get rid of a giant? A raucous medieval puppetry play with a greedy baron, a hopeless jester, and some revolting peasants. Visual and musical story telling made for 4-9 year olds but suitable for all.

Devising an original piece collaboratively

Old Library - RWCMD (2023)

Directors: Lucy Hall and Dik Downey

Team: Nico Venables, Evan Stead, Finn Jaques, Night Akter

Photographs: Kirsten McTernan and Nico Venables

Cardiff: Now and Then

Puppet Designer, Maker and Puppeteer

Now & Then takes the audience to a world where Cardiff’s past and present collide with fantastical puppetry, movement and music made, composed and performed by RWCMD students. A show made for grown-ups but suitable for all.

Devising an original piece collaboratively

Promenade Puppet Show - Old Library - RWCMD (2022)

Directors: Lucy Hall and Emily LeQuesne

Welcome to Cardiff team: Anna Averof, Siyi Qian, Nico Venables, Kalyssa Speth, Amy Marsden and Robyn Smart

Photographs: Kirsten McTernan