Now and Then : Welcome to Cardiff

Puppet Designer and Maker

Now & Then takes the audience to a world where Cardiff’s past and present collide with fantastical puppetry, movement and music made, composed and performed by RWCMD students. A show made for grown-ups but suitable for all.

Devising an original piece collaboratively

Promenade Puppet Show - Old Library - RWCMD (2022)

Directors: Lucy Hall and Emily LeQuesne

Welcome to Cardiff team: Anna Averof, Siyi Qian, Nico Venables, Kalyssa Speth, Amy Marsden and Robyn Smart

Photographs: Kirsten McTernan


The show was developed by 6 groups each working from a prompt about life in and around Cardiff. The group I was in developed ‘Welcome to Cardiff’, telling the history of Cardiff through the eyes of the castle. Shadow puppetry, Tom Jones and a talking peacock told the story, ending in the castle turning into a dragon and flying away!

My main design for this show was the Peacock who would represent the 5th Marquis of Bute, as well as being part of the devising process and making and rendering puppets for other groups.

During the show we all puppeteered multiple puppets and interacted with the audience, guiding them through the space in this promenade puppetry performance.


The Book of Dust: La Belle Sauvage


Out of Place